Important information before you make a purchase. This is also the redirect page after a purchase.

  • When is my plugin ready?

    We don't have automation. We have to set things up manually. Of course we will do this as fast as possible. Depending on where you live it may take up to 12 hours (in case you order, while we go to sleep)

  • Information

    Keep an eye on emails from KIYAYA (also check your spam box)

  • Refund Policy

    If you are not satisfied you can ask for a refund within 30 days after purchase

  • Do I pay taxes?

    No, you don't. KIYAYA is based in the Netherlands and is exempt from taxes (due to the Kleine Ondernemersregeling)

  • Is KIYAYA registered with the Chamber of Commerce

    Yes under number 89438957

  • Will the plugin be updated?

    Yes if necessary. We work with the same plugins developer for over 10 years